de Souza Institute de Souza Institute

Psychosocial Care Education Day (PCED)

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This course is a custom offered in person workshop designed to help health care professionals further understand the emotional aspects of cancer care. Participants will learn how to apply evidence-based tools and interventions to their practice. The course uses the BATHE model to apply current guidelines of psychosocial screening in effort support patients and their families. It is led by Faculty in Psychiatry working in psychosocial oncology and who have participated in the development of the guidelines for psychosocial oncology. The workshop can be tailored to focus on oncology in general, for specialized or generalist care, or for palliative care. A minimum of ten participants are required to run the workshop at the de Souza training centre located in Toronto. If you are interested in hosting it at your location, please contact us.

Registration has closed for the most recent offering. Please contact us to find out when the next offering will be available.