de Souza Institute

Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Facilitator Course Part 2 (CBLL)

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This two-part course is part of the de Souza Expert Facilitator designation program. This course is designed to help RNs interested in facilitating de Souza Institute’s Provincial Standardized Chemotherapy and Biotherapy (PSCB) course in their local organization, who meet the eligibility criteria, become expert facilitators. The program will help participants  apply theoretical frameworks and adult learning principles to the PSCB course, and gain insights into the process and standards for facilitating the course. 

Part 1 of the course is the initial training program in which facilitators develop the skills required to facilitate de Souza Institute’s standardized curriculum. The course is completed online and via workshop.

In Part 2, facilitators facilitate the course. Participants must deliver the course (facilitate the workshop locally, or lead the full course) at least twice in a one year time frame for a total of 15 hours, to a minimum of 4 colleagues per session to receive 1.0 de Souza credit for the program.


Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Summarize theoretical frameworks, adult teaching learning principles, and standards guiding de Souza Institute’s Provincial Standardized Chemotherapy and Biotherapy course.
  • Summarize your role as a course facilitator in light of adult teaching-learning principles and facilitation theory. Summarize how you can enhance your facilitation skills.
  • Articulate key elements of the chemotherapy and biotherapy standardized curriculum required for learners to be successful.
  • Explain how the curriculum can be adjusted to meet local needs for the course workshop (a core set of elements must be included for the curriculum to be certified as a de Souza standardized program).
  • Explain the steps and process required to successfully facilitate the standardized course, including:
    • Facilitating the online component of the course.
    • Facilitating the workshop component of the course.
    • Exam processes, including invigilation.
    • Course evaluation, quality improvements and the facilitator’s role in making recommendations to enhance the curriculum.
    • Workshop role playing criteria.
  • Identify solutions to common challenging questions encountered during course facilitation with PSCB participants, and articulate responses relevant to participants’ unique practice settings.


To receive a certificate and be eligible for a 1.0 credit towards the de Souza designation in Developing Professional Practice and Leadership, participants must have attended the workshop and deliver the Chemotherapy and Biotherapy program within their organization.  Participants must deliver the course at least two times, for a minimum total of 15 hours, to 3 to 4 participants per session.

Yearly updates and self assessments will be supported through the de Souza Institute, to facilitate ongoing competency maintenance and to meet professional standards of continuous learning and reflective practice.



Provincial Standardized Chemotherapy and Biotherapy course and the Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Facilitator Training course - Part 1


Please contact us to inquire about this course.