Sexual Health and Counselling in Prostate Cancer (IPODE) (IPOP)
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Prostate cancer impacts widely on patients' sexual health and wellbeing. Research shows that persons affected by prostate cancer want support, education, and counselling in this area. While health care professionals acknowledge that sexual health is within their scope of practice, few health professionals consistently assess or intervene to assist patients in cancer settings with sexual health problems.
The Sexual Health and Counselling in Prostate Cancer course is designed to equip health care professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver sexual health support to patients and families impacted by prostate cancer. Education, support, and guidance in the development of future prostate cancer specific sexual health programs are also addressed. This course encourages participants to:
- Examine the ways in which their own and society’s, attitudes, values, and biases impact their beliefs about sexual health;
- Increase knowledge regarding the ways in which patients and families affected by prostate cancer struggle to maintain healthy sexuality;
- Develop the knowledge and skills required to conduct assessments and provide interventions for common sexual health issues that arise in prostate cancer care. Attention to issues of diversity will be integrated throughout.
While the course “Interprofessional Psychosocial Oncology: Introduction to Theory and Practice” is not a required pre-requisite it is recommended, particularly for students who have limited background in cancer care.
Registration has closed for the most recent offering. Please contact us to find out when the next offering will be available.